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Commonwealth Games Legacy Sign-Up Form
Thank you for expressing interest in delivering an Inspire a Generation Commonwealth Games Legacy Open Event. These events are exclusively for British Wheelchair Basketball clubs and are designed to sign-post anyone inspired by the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games to find their local club and try the sport.
To support clubs to deliver their Commonwealth Games Legacy Open Events, British Wheelchair Basketball will provide clubs with an Open Event Pack. Clubs will also receive a £150 event grant (one per club) to help towards the cost of their event, along with BWB paid for social media advertising specifically within their own locale to support promotion of the event.
BWB will launch a national campaign to promote our Club Commonwealth Games Legacy Events. Clubs will also be provided with a social media toolkit, featuring home nations athletes, and which will include videos and images for social media posts and advertising.
Club Name (must be BWB Affiliated for 2022/23):
Position Within Club:
About IAG
The Inspire a Generation Programme is designed to widen participation, which of the following priority groups are you looking to recruit through your Commonwealth Games Legacy Open Day?
Disabled People
Young People
Ethnically diverse communities
If other, please state:
Were there any specific reasons why you want to get involved in British Wheelchair Basketball’s Inspire a Generation programme as a Club?
What do you hope your club will gain from involvement in the Inspire a Generation programme?
Recruit new members
Promote wheelchair basketball in your local community
Improve community links
Improve the health (physical and/or mental) of your local community
Create a sense of social connectedness within your local community
Promote Commonwealth Games role models
Widen the diversity of your membership
If other, please state:
How do you imagine that your club will benefit from the Inspire a Generation programme in the long-term?
Event Specifics
BWB will populate Playwaze with your event and details on your club’s behalf. Club admins will then be able to access the event to edit and to view sign-ups for the day. All Open Event visitors must book attendance via Playwaze ahead of the event, to help club manage visitor numbers and adhere to COVID-19 Guidance. Which day(s) will you be hosting an open day?
Please enter date(s) below:
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13th & 14th August
Saturday 13th August
Sunday 14th August
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20th & 21st August
Saturday 20th August
Sunday 21st August
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27th & 28th August
Saturday 27th August
Sunday 28th August
Location of Open Event – Venue Name
Venue Postcode:
Time of Event:
Short description of what will be on offer for visitors at your open event:
What services does your club offer to participants new to the sport – taster sessions, beginners training, access to equipment, etc:
What is your follow-up offer for participants at the Commonwealth Games Legacy Open Event?
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